Two trends in the six era of China, fierce competition in the industry but a cold market

Now, the heavy-duty truck market can be described as bleak. Some dealers joked that it is lighter than drinking plain water. Yes, the arrival of National VI did not bring dealers the expected hot market scene, on the contrary, the heat continued to drop and sales continued to drop.
Judging from our visit to the Shanghai market, the stores of various brands are not very good, and some dealers said: Nowadays, no customer can come to see the car in one day, and this situation is more than one day or two days. Now if you want to sell a car, the salesperson has to come to the door to talk to the customer.

Unlike the indifference in the market, the competition among distributors of various brands is fierce. A brand distributor once revealed: Now that the national six product price system of each brand has been released, each company secretly inquires about the situation. From a close point, each other wants to seize the traditional peak season market in October; from far away In general, whoever seizes the National Sixth Market first will be able to gain a leading position in the future market share.
Therefore, private competition is becoming more and more fierce. From grabbing customers and resources, to propaganda wars and price wars, dealers are trying all the ways to compete for the market, and the competition is not unbelievably fierce.

Everyone should have heard a sentence: On the surface it is calm and the waves are rough. This is the current situation between market conditions and dealer competition. Of course, before the storm, the sky is generally exceptionally quiet. For dealers, the colder the market now means that the fight will be fiercer in the future.
In the face of pressure from all parties, how did the distributors do it? Some dealers revealed: Now that the first and second networks have begun to strengthen cooperation, on the other hand, they must also strengthen cooperation. Why do you say that?
Everyone knows that, no matter which brand of dealers, the advantages of Yiwang are generally comprehensive services and relatively regular sales, but it is subject to manufacturer policy restrictions and the control and vitality of individual markets are not as good as two.
What about the second network? The advantage is that the service is more flexible, but the disadvantages are also obvious. For example, in many cases, it will be accompanied by gray income, which is harmful to card users.

Especially at the moment, card friends are increasingly demanding products and services, and now it is a buyer's market. Whether it is a first network or a second network, it depends on the mood of customers.
Therefore, in order to maximize the competitiveness of the National VI era, the first network and the second network are now cooperating. The cooperation between the two parties can give full play to the control of the second network users and strengthen the sales of the brand.


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